Skin Tightening

TempSure Envi
Skin Tightening
TempSure Envi is a non-invasive laser treatment that uses radiofrequency energy to tighten loose skin on the face and body. This treatment can also minimize facial wrinkles & fine lines and improve the appearance of cellulite.* As our bodies age, they lose the ability to quickly generate collagen. This leads to the formation of wrinkles and fine lines, as collagen helps to make our skin elastic. Elasticity is important, especially in the face, where facial expressions and muscle movements are constant. With TempSure Envi, you can safely and effectively tighten your skin and reduce wrinkles without the use of surgery.
Individual results will vary, depending on the concern(s) you are looking to address. Additionally, new collagen growth can take time. Optimal results are usually seen in the weeks and months following your treatment.* A series of treatments are required for the best results.* Ideally, 3-5 treatments are recommended at 4-week intervals to maximize the collagen rebuilding process.* You may experience slight redness after the procedure, which is caused by the skin’s elevated temperatures during treatment, but it will quickly subside.